Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Edgewood Arsenal


This is a video of the opening of the edgewood arsenal

Monday, May 10, 2010

Marine Tactics in Afgan

Its interesting how the marines used specific tactics in Iraq, and now they come to Afghanistan and they feel the same tactics wont work. How is this affecting the war that is going on over seas? How might the marines change tactics to become more successful?

This is very interesting info about our 2010 marines!

Revolutionary War

In the Revolutionary war soldiers stood in straight lines when fighting in war. Was this a special tactic they had? Were more soldiers killed or survived when fighting this way? With new weapons being introduced, we soldiers more successful? How do soldiers benefit from the new weapons that were introduced?

Read the article below to find out!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Atkinson Dam

Atkinson Dam was built in 1942. It located on Atkinson Rd in Abingdon MD on winters run. It was built in 1942 for the Edgewood Arsenal Water Supply and for chemical warfare service. Below are some pictures I took of the dam myself. Its sort of run down and covered with graffiti but i still thought it would be interesting to show. I go here all the time just to relax and i never knew what it was there for until i checked the other side of the dam out. Its just so interesting to me that its still here to this day and was used during war in our past.
To the left and below are two giant stones that are in front of the entrance onto the dam.
This is the entrance (left)
Heres where the controls of the dam are located(above)

The above three photos are different view from the top of the dam.

War Tactics: Civil War

"Strategy, unfortunately, is a very unpopular science, even among soldiers, requiring both in practice and in demonstration constant and careful study of the map, the closest computation of time and space, a grasp of many factors, and the strictest attention to the various steps in the problems it presents. At the same time, it is a science which repays the student, although he may have no direct concern with military affairs; for not only will a comprehension of its immutable principles add a new interest to the records of stirring times and great achievements, but will make him a more useful citizen."

· *Stonewall Jackson and the Civil War, Lieutenant-Colonel G. F. R. Henderson, C.B.

There were many different tactics used for fighting during the wars. What if other tactics were used? How do you think the war would have ended? Would the South have conquered the north instead? If so would slavery move from the south into the northern states?


The Beginning

World War 1, also known as The Great War was a major event that happened in our history. Many events led up to the beginning of this war. The war began in August 1914. What triggered this war to begin? The assassination of the Austrian archduke, Franz Ferdinand and his wife, on 28th June 1914 by Bosnian revolutionary, Gavrilo Princi; but that was just the start. There were many mutual defense alliances that developed between Russia and Serbia, Germany and Austria-Hungry, France and Russia, Britain France and Belgium, and Japan and Britain. When Austria-Hungry declared war on Serbia, that’s when many other countries joining in with their allies. Eventually that’s how the United States was brought in. Imperialism played a role, as for many countries wanted to increase their wealth and power, which therefore caused controversy between countries. As the war went on the arms race began and countries involved increased their military power which led to militarism. Also, the nationalism of the various countries throughout Europe contributed not only to the beginning but the extension of the war in Europe. Each country tried to prove their dominance and power. All these events caused the start of The Great War. It lasted until 1918 when the Treaty of Versailles was signed by the Germans.

This link is a timeline of the lists of events that occurred during World War 1.


Hi everyone! i'm just introducing myself. Im Bianca Granese. A freshman here at HCC. Im taking general studies. And im hoping you guys can learn alot from my posts about the history of our past wars and the wars we face today! Enjoy!!!!