Tuesday, May 4, 2010

War Tactics: Civil War

"Strategy, unfortunately, is a very unpopular science, even among soldiers, requiring both in practice and in demonstration constant and careful study of the map, the closest computation of time and space, a grasp of many factors, and the strictest attention to the various steps in the problems it presents. At the same time, it is a science which repays the student, although he may have no direct concern with military affairs; for not only will a comprehension of its immutable principles add a new interest to the records of stirring times and great achievements, but will make him a more useful citizen."

· *Stonewall Jackson and the Civil War, Lieutenant-Colonel G. F. R. Henderson, C.B.

There were many different tactics used for fighting during the wars. What if other tactics were used? How do you think the war would have ended? Would the South have conquered the north instead? If so would slavery move from the south into the northern states?


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